Admin App Individual clocks

Here you can see individual clocks for an employee on a specific day or period.

By default the current day is loaded.

You have to select(1*) for a specific employee. This field is auto complete, once you start typing it will show you suggestions.You can clear the text with the X button.

From the start(2*) and end(3*) buttons you can select the period. If you want to see for 1 day only, you must select the same day for start and end. Once the period is selected you have to click on the Show(4*) button to see the updated data.

From Mail(6*) button you can send an email with all the information on the screen.

On top of the list below you can see the total sum of the time(7*) and money(8*) for the selected period and employee.

The list below shows all clocks for the selected period.

Each clock shows the day(9*), time(10*) of clock in and out, total time(11*) and total money(12*).

It also has 3 buttons. Delete(13*) button will delete the clock.Location(14*) button will open in the browser Google Maps with a navigation path.The starting point is indicating the clock in and the final point is the clock out.Edit(15*) button will open a new form to edit the clock(16*).


From Plus(5*) button you will open a new form to create a clock(17*).