This is the company calendar.
Here you can see each day how many planned visits or openings and closings you have.
Fom button(1*) you will be able to add a new event that could be a visit, opening or closing.
This is a short way to update a pool instead of opening the details of that pool.
On the left side you can see the calendar with events count per day, you can use button(3*) to change the calendar layout between Month and Week view.
The Map button(2*) will open a map view and position all pool events as pins on the map.
On the right side you can see a list with events.
Each event has Pool Name(4*), address(8*), Event Type(5*), message(10*), if it is assigned to a technician(it’s part of a schedule) the technician’s name(6*).
If the pool was skipped or with a report it has indicator(7*) for it.
If the pool has a report for that event a report button is shown, if not a delete button(9*) is shown.
You can click on an entire row and view the details of the pool.